
Slide seeder

Sows quickly, accurately and economically round seed varieties

About the Slide seeder

The Slide seeder sows round seeds such as lettuce pills and cabbage varieties at high speeds. The sowing is extremely accurate so that the right number of seeds is placed in a cell. The Slide Seeder is often used with the Soil-blocking machine for sowing one specific type of seed. This, and the relatively simple technology mean that a slide seeder is considerably cheaper than a drum seeder.


The Slide seeder works with a sowing tray. The seeds are dropped through holes in the tray during sowing. Different sowing trays are available for various types of seeds.

Why the Flier Systems Sample Seeder?


Up to 6.500 rows of soil blocks per hour


Suitable for round seeds


Considerably cheaper than a Drum Seeder


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